For many regarding travel, due to its geographical position between major continents, the Middle East is considered just a place to change planes between long haul flights, or it is a holiday destination that the average traveller simply cannot afford. What most people don't know is that in fact there is so much more going in this part of the world for all visitors!
Being a part of the world that is known for being notoriously conservative, it has been for a long time very restrictive to outside visitors, allowing only business travellers and Muslim pilgrims to visit. However with the world moving away from using fossil reserves now, which the Middle East has relied upon for so long for income to the region, many of the Gulf states are looking towards alternative means to keep their economies afloat and one of these methods is tourism!
Having visited the Middle East a couple of times I can assure you that if you follow the laws of the land, you will have nothing to worry about visiting here and in fact find this part of the world to be very hospitable and welcoming! In this section of the blog I will be posting about all things to do with visiting the Middle East as a western traveller, including practical tips to stay culturally aware, sites you must see and tips to get the most out of your trip!